Tuesday, March 20, 2012


CARBONELL – 46-  txbpg 287 # 9-21
SANTA CRUZ – 42- brochure due tomorrow
MENDEZ – 43 - ho identify 4's #1 20-24
MONTANARO – 48 - music notation
SALAZAR – 44- none
VALADEZ – 45 - spelling wkbk pg 113 and 114 tree map
GONZALEZ – 53-  per 1/2 analyze character wksht
                                  per 3/4 read for 30 min write paragraph summary of what you read
                                 per 6 describe your best? What would you do if you never saw him again
DENNERT – 67/69 - per 1 bring usb everyday quick write final
BURLESON – 50 – none
DURAN – 60 -  none

DAVIS – 55 - slopes pg & packet due tomorrow
DOMINGUEZ – 57 -  turn all missing assigments
LA MOTTE – 65 - assigment # 4in new packet
DURAN – 60 - none
MIRKHANI – 66 - read pgs 526-560 bones quiz friday
MORENO – 56 – word search using spelling words
BURLESON – 50 - none
GONZALEZ - 53   per 1/2 analyze character wksht
                                  per 3/4 read for 30 min write paragraph summary of what you read
                                 per 6 describe your best? What would you do if you never saw him again

GONZALEZ –per 1/2 analyze character wksht
                                  per 3/4 read for 30 min write paragraph summary of what you read
                                 per 6 describe your best? What would you do if you never saw him again
ALLEN – 61 – per 2/3 inequality wksht
                          per 1 7.3 -7.4 wksht #4
MORENO – 64 - ch 9 -11 report study all vocab flashcards & all part 1 study guide questions
WISDOM – 70  complete classwork
BURLESON – 50 – none
DURAN – 60 – none
DENNERT - 67 none
KHEYFETS- 76 teenager cereal type
BLALOCK- finish classwork
LAMOTTE  -  per 3 practice 2-6 #6&7
                          per 2 practice 2-6 #5&6
PLOTKE – 52 -
Beginning Band Period 1
Beginning Orchestra Period 2
Advanced Band Period 5
Review Blue Book pg 2 - 9
Practice Log #6
Review Biege Book pg 6 - 28
Practice Log #6
Advanced Orchestra Period 6
Review Blue Book pg 5 - 11
Practice Log #6

Before School - Let's Jam Instrumental (Wed. and Thurs. 7-7:30am)
Jazz, Latin, and Pop Music 

During Lunch - Beginning Guitar (Wed. and Thurs.)
Must bring own guitar from home
Learning out of the Alfred's Basic Guitar Method
After School - Let's Jam Vocal (Wed. and Thurs. 3:30-4:30pm)
1. Adele - Rumor Has It
2. Wicked - Defying Gravity
3. Katy Perry - Fireworks
4. Nicki Minaj and Rihanna - Fly
5. Adele - Set Fire to the Rain