6th Grade
ALVAREZ – math-work on god project science-research ch.4 sec. (158-162)answer questions on pg. (102) txbk answer in complete sentences
CARBONELL- P.1&6-pw 86-90(due wed) p.5- finish grading
GONZALEZ- history-finish sec. 4 notes graphic organizer english-finish vocab sent. and pic
JURADO -study for test
MENDEZ- ch.4.4 quiz wbk pg83-85 p.5-work on scale drawing
SALAZAR- pkt,ratio unit conversation hand out
SANTA CRUZ- english: "friendly letters" find grammar pg.19-20
Valadez-pg.81 #1-8 p.3- grammar pg. 19-20 summary of ch.1-5 notes p.5- grammar pg,19 friendly letter signiture
7th Grade
DAVIS- work on study giude and study for thurdsdays test
DOMINGUEZ- pg.55 map lanels(4) continents(3) bodies of water(7)
KHEYFETS- english:garmmar pg.22
KODEL - study 20min.
DURAN – watch news
MIRKHANI- read and know the diagram on pgs.132-133 txbk
MORENO-complete cw pg.99-100/p-11-12
RODRIQUEZ- latin heratage project due thurdsday weekly reflection stamp tommorow
8th Grade
ALLEN- p.1 and 4:glpo:recycling wkst p.2,3,6- pkt pg.24and 25
TEITELBAUM- sign d of i essay prewrite sheet tuesday
DAMEN- collage due thurdsday p.3: desertification debate 10/4 2and5: shifting book due thurdsday and opinion paragraph
LAMOTTE- study guide version 1 (front only)
MORENO,C:english-grammar ch.2 LS 5 aand 6 pgs43-48 Journalism: exercise1a part b # 1-5 research invertal pyramid for article #
WISDOM- final draft of mind map due tuesday
PLOTKE- check online blog