6th Grade
ALVAREZ- science- complete division wkst
CARBONELL- p.3-4 division problems and 3 word problems p.5-finish both sides of wkst
GONZALEZ-english: the egypt game setting mindmap History: pg.93 questions
JURADO -english: egypt game ch.9 summary and questions
MENDEZ- science- none math p.3-lesson 7 pg.1 #1-4 p.5-pg 11 #1-19
MAGANA- math: finish project science: finish packet
SANTA CRUZ- history: timeline
Valadez-history- p.5- ch.4 questions and summary p.3- ch.7 parent signiture and read and answer questions and summary map project due next friday
7th Grade
DAVIS- finish percent .change word problems and finish reflection /summary
DOMINGUEZ- map quiz and study R35
KHEYFETS- read180- vocab squares due monday english- none
KODEL - 20min.studying
DURAN – none
MIRKHANI- wkbk pg. 78-80 and read 30-40 min. for sri
MORENO- write 1 page story using spelling words
RODRIQUEZ- math: finish wkst#1-9
8th Grade
ALLEN-1&4 -test re-do ?s due friday P.3,2,6- finish liketerm wkst 18
TEITELBAUM-vocab ch.4 sec.2 and 4
DAMEN- packet s and flashcards
LAMOTTE- porfolios and project due friday
MORENO,English-finidh reading chains ch.11 journalism: article #8 finish first and second draft
WISDOM- poster
PLOTKE- check online blog